Súng đo nhiệt độ từ xa, thiết bị đo nhiệt độ hồng ngoại Wahl DHSA24XT, DHSA24T
HP Heat Spy, LCD, 8 to 14m, 0 to 1000 Degree F (-20 to 550 Degree C), Telescopic Sight
- Telescopic Sight HP Heat Spy
- Superior accuracy and sensitivity between 0° to 1000°F (-20° to 550°C)
- Accuracy of ±0.3% of full scale
- Repeatability of ±1°F
- Enclosed Optical, Closed Laser, or Telescopic Sighting options
- Anti-reflective filter for accurate use in strong sunlight or other light sources
- Applications include all normal materials, including glass surfaces
- Not affected by IR heaters, carbon dioxide or water vapor. Will not measure through glass
- 3 Year Warranty