- Range:
- Temperature: 14 to 140°F (-10 to 60°C)
- Relative humidity: 0 to 100% RH
- Sound level: 30 to 130 dB(A), 35 to 130 dB(C)
- Illumination: 0 to 50,000 lux
- Wind speed: 96 to 5913 fpm
- Air flow: 0 to 999,900 cfm (0.5 30 30 m/s)
- Accuracy:
- Temperature: ±2.7°F (1.5°C)
- Relative humidity: ±3% RH (20 to 80% @ 25°C)
- Sound level: ±1.5 dB
- Illumination: ±5% of reading + 10
- Wind speed: ±3% of reading + 10
- Air flow: ±3% of reading + 10
- Dual line, 4-1/2 digit LCD display
- Temperature Limits:14 to 140°F (-10 to 60°C)
- Power Requirement: 9 V alkaline battery, included, user replaceable
- Response Time: 500 msec