Bộ ghi dữ liệu nhiệt độ Scanntronik Thermocouple Multiplexer
The Thermocouple Multiplexer - Module is one of the most modern extension systems for the analysis of temperatures with thermocouples.
This Universal Sensor® (extension module) for our flexible data loggers (e.g. Thermofox Universal, Materialfox, ...) has been specially developed for the use of thermocouples. By this means, all the advantages of the widespread and high precision thermocouple sensor technology can easily be used with the data loggers of Scanntronik Mugrauer GmbH.
The system has 8 x sensor inputs, which allows the simultaneous analysis of up to eight different temperatures. The thermocouples are connected by high-quality screw terminals (with Elevator-Style® clamping mechanism) guaranteeing reliable and permanent contact with the sensors.