The former is calculated by continuous measurement of the oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide generated in the combustion process. The basis of the new test protocol was developed by FTT’s Andrew Green with colleagues from SP (Sweden), ISSeP (Belgium), CESI (Italy) and Interscience (UK) as part of an EC funded FIPEC project. This project was managed by FTT director Stephen Grayson.
Modifying Existing IEC 60332-3 Apparatus To Measure Heat Release
Conversion of existing IEC 60332-3 apparatus to measure heat release is accomplished by fitting a small instrumented section of ducting into the exhaust system of the rig and using this with associated FTT gas analysis instrumentation and software and a modified test protocol. The duct section houses all gas sampling probes, temperature and mass flow probes needed, and the smoke measuring system.
Gas Analysis Instrumentation
These are housed in a 19" instrument rack containing: -
Oxygen Analyser (paramagnetic) supplied with temperature and pressure compensation for primary heat release measurement.
Carbon Dioxide Analyser (infrared) for use in heat release measurement.
Dual stage soot filter, refrigerant cold trap, drying column, pump and waste regulators for conditioning the sample gases prior to analysis.
Controls for the smoke measurement system (if purchased).
Data logger (if purchased).
Clients already owning the FTT Dual Cone Calorimeter, ISO 9705 Room Corner test or SBI can use their existing instrumentation to measure heat release rate from their IEC 60332-3. Alternatively the IEC Gas Analysis rack can be used to instrument other calorimeters (e.g. FTT Dual Cone Calorimeter etc.).