Đồng hồ đo độ cứng cao su, nhựa PTC DO Scale e2000 Digital Durometer 512DO
The ASTM type DO durometer measures the indentation hardness of Fireproof Coating, Moderately Hard Rubber, Elastomers, and Dense Textile Windings
The Digital Durometer features a large direct read LCD display, electronic max hand, USB data ports for computer compatibility, a locking feature to prevent accidental erasure of tolerances, automatic shutoff, and low battery warning.
All PTC® digital durometers come complete with Test Block, Carrying Case and an A2LA/NIST Traceable Calibration Certificate to ISO 17025 from PTC Metrology
PTC®'s SmartCable can be added to any digital durometer. The output of the SmartCable USB Keyboard is a standard 2.0 keyboard signal. Readings can be sent to any Windows application's cursor point or highlighted cell. Works great with
Mircosoft® Excel. No special software required.