Promag 10/50/53W thuộc dòng đồng hồ đo lưu lượng nước, nước thải có đường kính từ 25 mm đến 2.000 mm. Thiết bị đồng hồ của Endress+Hauser có độ chính xác cao, hoạt động ổn định và ít bảo trì bảo dưỡng.
Electromagnetic flowmeter for water and wastewater applications.

- Nominal diameters DN25…2000
- Maintenance-free – no moving parts
- Hard rubber or polyurethane lining
- Drinking water approvals: KTW, NSF, WRC etc

Endress+Hauser’s Promag W electromagnetic flowmeters offer accurate and reliable flow measurement across a wide range of water and wastewater applications. Specially designed for the water and environmental industries, Promag W is easy to service and maintain allowing on-site validation, eliminating the need for sensor removal.
All fluids with a minimum conductivity of ≥ 5µS/cm (≥ 50µS/cm for Promag 10W) can be measured:
- Drinking water
- Wastewater
- Sludge