- In SensFlex, a flexible and highly-capable set of features combine to provide dual-head point gas monitoring or deployment of a powerful Photo Ionization Detection (PID) sensor for detection of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).
- Maximum Facility Flexibility
+ Ethernet standard, communicates simultaneous Modbus TCP master/slave
+ Embedded web pages for remote configuration and display
+ Optional relays for alarm contacts and dual Modbus configuration
+ Remote mountable sensors for monitoring near high concern locations
+ Maintenance mode to avoid false alarms
- Safety without Compromise
+ Certified for Division 1 and Division 2 hazardous classified areas
+ Configurable relays and redundant Modbus communication
+ Uploads application parameters and gas & alarm data
+ Time-stamped event and calibration data
+ Fault supervision circuitry for error warning
- User Friendly and Intuitive
+ Bright QVGA color TFT display with highly visible graph and trend
+ Sensor status indicated by color change and flashing display
+ Hot-swap sensors and non-intrusive user interface for easy maintenance
+ Accessible data via mobile devices and laptops