Based on the Ring-Cavity optical parametric oscillator (OPO) technology, the Phocus CORE incorporates essential features required for a photoacoustic imaging source in a low cost, compact housing. Designed for OEM applications, the system can be integrated into instrumentation with space constraints. The default configuration includes motorized harmonics, access to residual 1064/532 nm and OPO fiber bundle delivery through interlocked port. Customizable fiber bundles provide the flexibility to integrate the light into commercial instrumentation. Motorized tuning, motorized harmonic and fiber bundle delivery provide a completely, hands-free tunable laser system.
- Wavelength Range [nm]:690 – 950 & 1200 – 2400
- Peak OPO Energy [mJ]:60 or 150
- Spectral Linewidth [cm-1]:30 – 80
- Beam Divergence [mrad]:Fiber Bundle Delivery
- Linear Polarization:Fiber Bundle Delivery
- UV Tuning [nm]:NA
- Residual Pump Energy [mJ]:20-40 or 70-100
- Dimensions [in (mm)]:24 (610) x 13 (330) x 8.5 (216)