- The Ska-Pak is designed for easy use and versatility for entry into or escape from hazardous or IDLH, environments. It is available with a light-weight, chemical resistant Polypropylene harness or a spark resistant Kevlar harness. The Ska-Pak is available with 5 or 15 minute rated cylinder egress durations.
- Combination Type C positive pressure respirator with escape cylinder for entry into or escape from hazardous, confined space, or Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) situations
- Includes E-Z Flo Pressure Demand Regulator with First Breath Activation and low exhalation resistance for easy breathing and reduced user fatigue.
- Available in 5 or 15 minute rated-cylinder egress options for selection versatility based on job at hand
- The cylinder is hip-mounted with a durable, secure cylinder band retention system
- 2 Styles of Harness:
+ Polypropylene - chemically resistant and lightweight
+ Kevlar - ideal in high heat environments or when there is potential for sparking