The resistance interface REG-FR converts the position of a tap changer with connected resistors to the BCD code for the voltage control system REGSys.
A build-in power supply supports the measure transducer, voltage outputs and 6 relay. A row of resistors with same values will be connected to measure input by only 3 or 4 wires. The value of one of this resistors Rs should be adjusted by potentiometer R and can be read by a voltmeter on both connectors +, -. 6 relay contacts (make contact) and 6 current outputs make the BCD-Code available for further applications.
Up to 37 equal resistance taps are converted into BCD-Code
Programmable 3- or 4-phase-switching.
The cable length between tap position switch and REG-FR can be up to 100 m.
Relay contacts with AC 250V 2A, DC 220V 150W
large auxiliary voltage range of the power module