- Convenient 19 inch rack configuration
- Calibrated range: 0 to 5000 ppm
- Lower detection level: 5 ppm (50 ppm For CO2 applications)
- Dew/frost point: -85.9 to 27.3°F (-65.5° to –2.6°C) frost point @ STP of 25°C, 14.696 psia
- Absolute humidity: 0.24 to 237 (3.8 to 3,803 mg/m3) lbs/MMSCF
- Accuracy: +2% of reading or 4 ppm (+3% of reading or 5 ppm for CO2 applications)
- Repeatability: ±2 ppm
- Calibration certification: NIST or equivalent NMI traceable certification
- Under 2 second response time
- Operating sample cell pressure: 69 to 172 Kpa (10 to 25 psia)
- Process pressure: 102 psig (0.69MPa)
- Flowrate sample cell flowrate: 10 to 60 SLH (0.4 to 2 SCFH ); 30 SLH (1 SCFH) nominal
- Backlit LCD display with alphanumeric status and diagnostic display
- Three programmable simultaneous parameters.
- Three 0/4-20 mA DC (source) outputs with 500 ohm load. User programmable for any parameter and scalable. Complies with NAMUR protocol for analog signals.
- Loop powered 4-20 mA input for remote pressure transmitter
- Two programmable digital communications ports RS232, RS485 with multidrop capability and assignable address, MODBUS RTU protocol
- Capable of multiple calibration curves for different process
- AuroraView intuitive software package
- IP54 rated enclosure