Bộ mẫu chuẩn kiểm tra khuyết tật FlawTech Standard Radiographic Kit (RK-1)
The FlawTech Standard Radiographic Kit comes with a suite of specimens that allow you to perform your flaw detection with 10 specimens. The kit comes with 8 Plates, 1 Pipe, and 1 Tee. Two randomly placed flaws on each specimen will help ensure accuracy in your flaw detection process. Because there are two flaws per specimen, this kit comes with a total of 20 discontinuities. In addition, each specimen contains actual X-Ray film. Two free carrying cases come with your package.
Documentation Package Includes:
- Certificate of Conformance
- CAD Drawings
- RT Film
- Test Sheets
Flaws Included:
- #12 - Root Crack in SV
- #14 - Centerline Crack SV (Surface breaking)
- #15 - Centerline Crack SV (Sub-surface)
- #30 - Porosity SV / DV
- #31 - Porosity Fillet (sub surface)
- #34 - Single Gas Pore SV
- #36 - Slag Inclusion SV (root area)
- #37 - Slag Inclusion SV (weld groove area)
- #38 - Slag Inclusion Fillet (root area)
- #39 - Tungsten Inclusion SV (root area)
- #56 - Incomplete Root Penetration SV
- #57 - Incomplete Root Penetration DV
- #59 - Incomplete Groove Weld (crown area)
- #70 - Root Concavity SV
- #71 - Excess Root Penetration SV
- #72 - Misalignment Root & Crown SV
- #90 - Weld Splatter SV
- #92 - Chipping Hammer Marks SV