Cảm biến đo khí tượng, thời tiết hãng LSI LASTEM
Air Temperature
Air temperature sensors mainly designed for meteorological applications. They are mounted inside high efficency radiant screen with natural or forced ventilation.
Wind direction
Vane anemometers. Wide range of wind direction sensors to cover any kind of meteorological applications.
Wind speed
Cup anemometers. Wide range of wind speed sensors to cover any kind of meteorological applications.
All-in-one sensors
Sensor integrates a unique folded-path sonic anemometer with an internal flux-gate compass for alignment to north, temperature, RH% and barometric pressure sensor.
Solar radiation
Pyranometers and radiometers to measure sky and solar radiations: Global, Net, Diffuse, Direct, Long and Narrow waves. UV-A, UV-B radiation. Sunshine duration meters.
Snow level sensor
Ultra-sonic snow level sensor. Reliable measurement of snow-depth even when there is a difficult reflection ratio, as is the case with powdery or fresh snow
Storm front distance
Utilizing a sensitive RF receiver and integrated proprietary algorithm, sensors detecte the electrical emissions from lightning activity
Atmospheric visibility sensor with a measuring range up to 2 km is designed to detect fog, haze, dust and every material than can limitate the visual range.
Masts and towers
Range of tubular masts and meteorological towers for the proper installation of meteorological equipment at different elevations.