Camera nhiệt vầng quang Corona Ofil Superb
The portable, handheld Ofil Superb-OD & Superb-XD are corona and arcing recording cameras made for daytime use. The Superb models are solar blind bispectral UV-Visible imagers with high sensitivity to surface partial discharges that differ in their display unit. Each model detects UV emissions in complete daylight with high signal to background ratios, from both far-away and nearby sources. These cameras are very robust and powerful ultraviolet emission detectors.

Superb cameras come with DayCor® technology embedded in the units and they are benchmarked to guarantee accuracy for your measurement of coronas. Superb models are critical tools in the nondestructive testing (NDT) industry used for inspecting & monitoring high and medium voltage apparatuses.
Industries that leverage the patented DayCor® technology and imagery provided by Superb cameras include:
- Utilities
- Heavy industry
- Mines
- Data centers
- Laboratories