The transmitter is factory set to measure CO2 levels up to 2,000 ppm. It requires a Class 2, 24 VDC/VAC power source and generates an output signal proportional to the CO2 level detected. One simple wire to a screw terminal and a jumper on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) combine to select the analog output signal from the following options:
0 to 20 mA
4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V (default)
Energy Savings from DCV strategies offer potential for 10 to 70% energy savings
CARBOCAP® single-beam, dual-wavelength design provides superior performance compared to other technologies
CARBOCAP Silicon, Micro-machined Construction provides reliable CO2 measurement in room environments
Calibration reliability offers 5 years of reliable calibration
Stable Infrared Reference compensates for light-source drift