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Compression and flexure machines retrofit Controls Group

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Hãng SX: Controls Group
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Đặt hàng
In many cases it may happen that the customer has already an old compression or flexural machine, with old pressure gauge and not more reliable readout unit. In these cases, rather than buying a new machine, it is enough to update the hydraulic system and the readout unit.

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Thông tin sản phẩm

The control unit and the pump group fitted on CONTROLS machines in COMPACT LINE version are also available in STAND ALONE version (SMART-Line). This allows to retrofit existing anymake old frames or complete machines using a modern and sophisticated console that ensures high accuracy and reliability.

Our console range is composed by semiautomatic and automatic system, allowing to satisfy any customer requirement.
The modern and advanced automatic units are fitted with a hydraulic unit driven by a DC motor with variable speed controlled by a high resolution closed circuit micro­processor. This solution allows the limitation of “costly” wait­ing times between tests and controls the oil flow drop by drop so as to use precisely at the correct pressure only the neces­sary amount. The use of cold oil and of a pump that does not heat up eliminates the need for a cooling fan whilst perfect mechanical coupling ensures silent operations.

For discovering the features of our SMART-Line control consoles, click the links below.

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