It reports any alarm to a central control system by sending SMS text message or by a GSM Data (CSD) connection. Critical messages as switchgear position are always sent by CSD. Secondary alarms can be set up by the user to either use SMS or CSD. If the CSD connection fails, the unit tries to re-connect three times. If the CSD connection still fails a SMS is sent to ensure all alarms or events are received by the central unit.
During the design of this product, NorTroll has put all efforts into making an RTU with lowest possible power consumption, allowing the unit to work for a long period during loss of charging. It is designed to facilitate solar panel charging and for operation in the most demanding climatic environment.
ComTroll 330 RTU is available in a version where the GSM modem is replaced with an Ethernet port. (ComTroll 333 RTU Ethernet) The protocol used is IEC60870-5-104 which means it can be installed in most SCADA system without the need for a SCADA gateway.
Additional analog- and digital I/O's can be added using the ComTroll 333 Slave unit. The slave unit has 4 analog, 8 digital inputs and 8 relay outputs and is connected to the 333RTU by a serial port.