The EHV-PDM is a Partial Discharge monitoring system designed for application on critical assets where monitoring point could be many hundreds of metres or tens of kilometres apart. Fibre linked monitoring points transmit PD data over long distances to the main monitoring unit which processes data, and displays results on a secure customer web front end.
ON-LINE PD DETECTION The EHV-PDM uses PD sensors that couple to the HV network and equipment non-intrusively and on-line such that no disconnection of the circuits is required.
- REMOTELY ACCESSIBLE Using any of a wide range of communication protocols, the EHV-PDM automatically downloads to a central database from where it can be viewed on a powerful analysis
- LONG DISTANCES The key design of the EHV-PDM system is to allow for costs effective remote monitoring of assets which are usually inaccessible. Examples include joints along and EHV cable or
cables terminations in wind farm arrays.
>>> AA Ultrasonic chinh hang