Voltage Ratio: 202-xxx-N 2.5/1 Vr (8dB)
202-xxx-T 5.0/1 Vr (14dB)
202-xxx-X 10.0/I Vr (20dB)
Maximum Input: 5.0kV, 400ns FWHM Pulse **
Peak Input Power: 500kW at rated pulse width
Average Input Power: 2W maximum
Impedance: 50 ± 1%
Risetime through Unit: < 20ps
Bandwidth (-3dB): DC to 17GHz
Reflection-TDR: < 5% to a 100ps risetime step function
SWR: < 1.05 to 1GHz
< 1.30 to 4GHz
Voltage Coefficient: < 1% at rated voltage
Connectors: 202-NMFP-y N male/female
202-GLP-y GR 874 Locking
202-HMFP-y HNB male/female
Dimensions: 4.1” to 3.3” long x 1.2” wide x 1” high depending on value
Weight: < 1/2 lb.
-xxx Connector identifier, see list under connectors heading for our standard (stocked)
configurations. Call for connector configurations not shown.
-y Attenuation value identifier
** Units with N connectors are limited to a 4kV rating