Air taken into the tank passes through the Lectrobreather desiccantand is thoroughly dried. This dry air, upon leaving the tank, has apartial reactivating effect which permits long periods betweenreactivations. Lightly loaded inlet and outlet check valves remainclosed when there is no passage of air in either direction, thuspreventing “static” saturation of the desiccant with atmosphericmoisture. Lectrobreathers are equipped with a color indicator fordetermining when the unit is in need of reactivation and whenreactivation of the desiccant is complete.Lectrobreathers mean assurance that the contents of any tank, largeor small, are safe from climatic, seasonal and atmospheric moisture—that water will not contaminate the stored product, resulting in lowquality, as well as increased operating costs and lower production.Lectrobreathers are of heavy gauge carbon steel construction, satisfactory for many years of operationin the weather. Applications for storage of liquids evolving corrosive fumes, such as sulfuric acid, arehandled by providing a separate stainless steel check and vent valve assembly to prevent fumes fromentering the Lectrobreather.