- GridGIS Connect Application has been specially designed to avoid data recording mistakes from Ariadna ILF12 readings, but also to speed up and simplify data transfer to GIS System of Utility companies.
- Record information of your Utility (Substation Name, MV Cables, MV Switchgear, Transformer, LV Panel, LV Feeders, etc)
- Record information of the Ariadna ILF device been used (CD Coding, Rogowsky coils distribution, etc)
- GPS Position of each reading point (Meters, Meter Boxes, etc)
- Record Meter ID and Picture
- Line Device reading record (CD-Phase-Feeder result)
- GridGIS Connect App Automatically links result (F2-N / Feeder 1) with physical outgoing feeder, it doesn’t matter distribution of Rogowsky coils sensors on LV Panel