Máy đo lực căng dây đai BRECOflex SM5
The SM5 Tension Meter is designed to measure the static tension of all belt types and materials and offers the following benefits:• Simple one-button operation• Accurate measurement results for optimal belt performance and life• Save production and downtime with quick readings• Satisfy quality system requirements with traceable certification• Integrates with our online calculation program - www.brecoflex.com/engineering-support/• Download the SM5 Pretension Calculator Phone App free for iOS and AndroidThe purpose of pre-tensioning a belt is to maintain tension at all times during operation. The amount of pre-tension depends on the belt drive type and peak loading. Minimizing pretension reduces bearing and shaft loading and preserves belt tensile safety factors. Minimum pretension is achieved when the belt does not sag or flap under peak running load. Maximum pretension is limited by the belt strength and machine design (shafts, bearings and frame).