- The 7300w² Monitor is the core product in the WaterWatch² range. The monitor is designed to interface with all of the sensors in the WaterWatch² range. The monitor specification provides all the connections required for 1 or 2 sensors, systems can be created by the use of expansion boxes to include multiple sensors. The maximum number of sensors will be limited by the practicalities of most sites. We anticipate 8 being a sensible maximum although many more can be accommodated.
- Combining sensors provides a very cost effective way of simultaneously monitoring parameters such as dissolved oxygen and suspended solids in an activated sludge plant, or pH and turbidity at a treatment works outfall where the sensors can be located close together.
- Monitoring of these key parameters requires sensors that are reliable and accurate, the TurbiTechw² LS meets this requirement perfectly.
- The large optical surfaces and sample volume ensure that the information provided by the sensor is both representative of the process and tolerant of fouling. In addition the sensor incorporates a self cleaning mechanism that ensures the optical surfaces are kept clean at all times, the cleaning system is designed to avoid problems with ragging and does not smear the optical system.
- The cleaning system ensures that manual intervention on a routine basis is not required, the sensor should simply be checked as part of general site housekeeping.
- The TurbiTechw² LS Sensor employs infrared light at 860 nm using the 90º Light Scatter principle in accordance with ISO7027 (2000). The cleaning process is automatically initiated by the 7300w² Monitor at a user determined frequency.
- The cleaning process takes only 90 seconds, which means that the sensor is available for 99.5% of the time with a 5 hourly cleaning cycle.