Typical applications:
RESET if the device stops responding (WiFi AP / IP camera not responding to ping - automatically restart)
Power cycling or resetting a device (via a web interface)
Activation of a back-up Internet connection if the primary link fails (network monitoring)
Ethernet: 10/100 Mbit/s
WEB: Built-in web server, manual reset and output control (web relay)
Availability monitoring: 10 devices (2 outputs for response)
Four methods of detecting availability:
Ping Out: IP WatchDog2 periodically sends PING requests
Ping In: IP WatchDog2 waits for a PING from a specified IP address
Web client: IP WatchDog2 periodically checks the availability of a given web page (web server monitor)
Web server: IP WatchDog2 waits for a request for its internal web page
Output relay: DC voltage max. 30V / 1A; AC voltage max. 50V / 0,5A
To simplify connection: PO/PF relay output for each channel
Sound output: Yes (internal)
Data logger: 200 records
Reaction to detected outage: Email, SNMP trap, HWg-Push, relay contact, audible alarm
Text messages (SMS): Alarms can be sent as text messages (SMS)
SMS-GW support: Text messages can be sent through a HWg-SMS-GW
M2M communication protocols: SNMP, XML, Modbus/TCP, HWg-Push
Operating temperature: -30°C to +85°C (-22°F to +185°F)
Mechanical: 100 x 94 x 25 [mm] – metal housing, can be mounted on a wall, in a 19" cabinet, or on a DIN rail