- Sensor:
+ Halogen-quenched Geiger-Müller detector (LND712)
+ Mica end window density is 1.5-2.0 mg/cm²
+ Side wall is 0.012″ #446 stainless steel
+ Detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-radiation
- Display: 4-digit liquid crystal display with mode indicators
- Operating range:
+ mR/hr: .001-110
+ CPM: 0-350,000
+ µSv/hr: .01-1,100
+ CPS: 0-3,500
+ Total: 0-9,999,000 counts
+ Timer: up to 40 hours
- Calibration: Cesium 137 (gamma)
- Sensitivity: 1000 cpm/mR/hr referenced to Cs-137
- Accuracy: ±10% typical; ±15% max. (mR/hr and µSv/hr modes)