Sensor đo nhiệt độ
Model : T-Probe 20 ft 1 SD
Maker : iButton Link
This 20 ft temperature sensor cable works with all Link and LinkHub interfaces, as well as with AEM systems. The RJ-45 connector comes standard, but it can be removed and replaced with a different connection if needed. The T-Probe can also be hard-wired into the bus. Weight, power, RFI, etc. of the cable will determine the 1-Wire bus criteria.
The lower-third of the sensing unit itself is enclosed by our low-pressure molding machine, using OM633 from Macromelt. The cable is insulated with PVC that has a temperature range of up to +60 degrees Celsius. Please contact the factory if a high temperature cable is needed. The sensor has a temperature range of -55°C to +125°C that is supported by the molding media.
All three of the DS18B20 leads are brought straight through the RJ-45 connector, giving the user full access to the DS18B20. The pin assignments follow our standard. The female end of the RJ-45 connector should look like the following:

Pin 1 = +5 volt return (unused)
Pin 2 = +5 volts (Vdd) Orange wire
Pin 3 = Aux return (unused)
Pin 4 = 1-Wire® data Blue wire
Pin 5 = 1-Wire® return Blue and White wire
Pin 6 = Aux (unused)
Pin 7 = +12 volts (unused)
Pin 8 = +12 volts return (unused)
Looking into the male end of the connector, the user should see only one pin on the right side.
Temperature response, settling times, and a full spec sheet of the DS18B20 can be found in Appendix One of the T-Sense manual.
Custom cable lengths are available. Minimum order quantity is 25. Please contact the factory for price and delivery.