s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: UV-Vis spectrometry over the total range (190-720 nm or 190-390 nm)
∙ multiparameter probe with adjustable open path length
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated, local multi-point calibration possible
∙ automatic cleaning with compressed air or brush/ruck::sack
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell (monitoring station)
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ robust and precise adaption of optical path lengths to 35 mm, 15 mm or 5 mm possible
∙ easy mounting without clogging
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>>> i::scan Scan chính hãng ở Hà Nội