For measurements in the near infrared range out to 1.7 µm, Avantes offers a new series of uncooled spectrometer configurations. The AvaSpec-NIR256-1.7-EVO and the AvaSpec-NIR512-1.7-EVO offer the same high sensitivity optical bench with the next generation of electronics. Both instruments deliver the same exceptional performance specifications such as a sample speed of only 0.53 ms/scan and integration times as fast as 10 µs, as the Avantes instruments you have come to trust.
For applications where resolution is key, or more datapoints for modelling is required, the 512 pixel detector will be the best choice.
The AvaSpec-NIR256/512-1.7-EVO spectro-meters pair the same trusted InGaAs array detectors with our ultra low-noise electronics board featuring USB3 and Giga-Ethernet connection port. Digital and analog I/O ports enable external triggering and control over the shutter and pulsed lightsources and choose from two distinct software-controlled gain-setting modes, high-sensitivity mode (HS, default) and the low-noise (LN) mode.