- EP-TF-5300 Series are Thermal Mass Flowmeter for the gases with a flameproof construction. The mass flow rate of various kinds of gases can be measured, regardless of such process conditions as pressure, temperature etc.
- The minimum full scale is 5mL/min (nor), and the maximum full scale is 500L/min (nor). Maximum Operating Pressure is 4.9MPa which covers the various applications.
- Meantime, H-EP-TF-5300 Series (for the high pressure) can cover the max. operating pressure up to 14.7MPa.
- Thermal Mass Flow Controller (EP-TC-1000 Series) is the flameproof control valve, and this can be used together with EPTF-5300 Series. The mass flow rate of the various kinds of gasses can be automatically controlled.
- EP-TC-2000V Series is for the high pressure and used together with H-EP-TF-5300 Series, covering the maximum operating pressure of 9.8MPa.
- FLAMEPROOF CONSTRUCTION : Both Mass Flowmeter and Mass Flow Controller cover the hydrogen atmosphere(JIS Class "1" area). The application has become much wider than before.
- HIGH ACCURACY (±1% F.S.) : The gas mass flow rate can be measured in high accuracy because of our theory and the know-how for many years.
- EXTENSIVE FLOW RANGE : These instruments can be used for the applications from the pilot plant to the actual industrial applications.
- SUPPORTING INSTRUMENT READY : The indication, integration and controlling can be conducted, assembled with TM-1400/2000 Mini Convertor unit.