- MA-920 MICRO FLOWMETER is a metal tube variable area flowmeter which has local indication with transmitting of minute flow rate of liquids and gases
- The existing micro flowmeters generally need a signal linearizer due to mechanical problem of very minute sensing part. In MA-920, integrated microprocessor takes care of these automatic compensation based on individual stored calibration data and achieves high accuracy even for small flow rate.
- The 4 to 20 mA with 2-wire system makes fi eld wiring easier.
- Covers very low flow rates of 0.6 to 3 L/h
- 2-wire 4 to 20 mA DC output
- Magnetic fi eld sensor detects the float movement with electronics to eliminate hysteresis. High accuracy and repeatability have been achieved.
- Easy- to- read digital LED display
- No liquid dampers are needed even for gas measure- ment applications
- Ex d IIC T6 flameproof construction suitable even for Hydrogen atmosphere