- Our Pro-V Model M23-VT-EM insertion vortex shedding flowmeters feature an energy monitoring option that permits real-time calculation of energy consumption for a facility or process. The flowmeters can be programmed to measure hot or chilled water flows. The Model M23-VT-EM flowmeters monitor one side of the process, either sent or returned flow and use the input from a second separate temperature sensor on the opposite leg of the process to calculate the change in energy. Selectable energy units include BTU, MBTU (Thousand BTU), MMBT (Million BTU), MWHr (Mega watt-hour), KWHr (Kilo watt-hour), HPHr (Horsepower-hours), MCal (Mega calories), and MJ (Mega joules). The local or remote electronics indicate two temperatures, delta T, mass total and energy total.
- Volumetric or mass flow monitoring of most liquids, gases, and steam
- Multivariable meter delivers mass flow, temperature, pressure, and density readings from a single installed device and reduces initial cost, installation cost and cost of ownership over the lifetime of the instrument
- Compensated mass flow reading of liquids, gases, and steam
- Energy monitoring ability to compute and output energy use
- Easy to install and commission – Hot tappable, process shut down not required for installation
- Highly reliable - no moving parts, no fluid to sensor contact
- High accuracy with wide rangeability up to 100:1
- Handles temperatures up to 750 deg F
- Handles pressures up to 1500 psig
- Insertion style mounting permits installation in any pipe 2 inches and greater
- Field configurable ranges, outputs and displays
- Remote electronics option available for use in harsh environments or locations with limited access
- 4-20mZ loop-powered design saves on energy costs
- HART protocol communications (standard)
- Modbus communications available
- FM, FMC, ATEX, and IECEx Approved