The stainless steel deep tank contained within a sturdy outer case and supplied complete with a stainless steel shelf all providing good water circulation and temperature stability.
The Thermostirrer is robust constructed from stainless steel for durability. Painted surfaces feature a tough anti-bacterial finish with good chemical resistance. Easy to use controls that wipe clean and have an anti-bacterial finish. Immersed components are corrosion resistant. Quiet running in use and providing excellent water temperature stability in the bath. Indication of heating, over temperature alarm and timer running.
When a low liquid level is detected a “FiLL” message automatically appears and heating is suspended. Once refilled, heating is restored and temperature control resumes automatically. Over and under temperature alarms automatically protect work in the water bath, providing heater cut off, visual message and indicator.
Integral hinged lid fitted as standard.
Drain tap fitted as standard for ease of emptying.