Inter-channel control from -3ns to +3ns with 10ps resolution
Independent or synchronized channels configurations
16M waveform memory and up to 64M memory optional
AM, FM, FSK, PSK, ASK, Amp. Hop, Freq. Hop, Sweep & Chirp
Powerful pulse composer for analog, digital and mixed signals
Advanced sequencer for step, loop, nest and jumps scenarios
Various output amplifier modules utilized to solve numerous applications in different domains
Smart trigger allows: trigger hold-off, detect <=> pulse width, as well as wait-for-waveform-end or abort waveform and restart
Single or Dual channel 5Gs/s, 12 bit waveform generators
Extra wide analog bandwidth up to 7GHz
Extremely fast rise and fall time of under 150ps
Multi-Nyquist zone operation, up to the 4th Nyquist zone
Built-in fast dynamic segments and sequences hop control
Two differential markers per channel with programmable positions, width and levels
User friendly GUI & Remote control through LAN, USB & GPIB
Store/recall capability on memory stick or 4GB internal memory
Multi instrument synchronization
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