The development of the very latest Bruker detection system stems from recognition that the security situation in recent years has changed considerably. Customers now acknowledge the existence of asymmetric threats and a new capability is required to reflect these changes.
It has been widely reported that there are many radiation sources worldwide that terrorists could use in combination with conventional explosives to produce a „dirty bomb“. Recent intelligence suggests that conventional explosives could also be used in conjunction with Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA’s). In response to these threats Bruker has developed the highly sensitive RAID-XP.
The innovative RAID-XP combines chemical and radiological detection into one system. The RAID-XP is extremely flexible and has been developed for military use, which includes the harsh naval environment as well as counter terrorism and civil defence applications. The state-of-the-art RAID-XP is a highly flexible instrument, both in terms of detection capabilities (N+C) and lightweight and portable design. It Is based on the principle of ion mobility spectrometry.
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