- The MIS-EM is a micro-valve plug-in system for the MM3A-EM micromanipulator. It enhances your system by allowing you to microinject various liquids onto your samples in low-vacuum SEM.
- The unique combination of precision manipulation and controlled microinjection has attracted a lot of interest in the MIS-EM since its launch.
- The plug-in tool can be quickly and easily retrofitted to your existing MM3A-EM micromanipulator.
- Microvalve length: 31.4 mm
- Microvalve diameter: 5.6 mm
- Inlet inner diameter: 0.6 mm
- Outlet outer diameter: 0.5 mm
- Outlet inner diameter: 0.25 mm
- Injection pipette outer diameter: 150 µm
- Injection pipette inner diameter: 50 µm
- Weight: 3 g
- Smallest drop size: 100 µm*
- Temperature range: 273 K to 353 K
- Wetted materials: EPDM seal (ethylene propylene), PEEK polymer (polyaryletheretherketone), PPS (polyphenylene sulphide), glass, polyoxymethylene, stainless steel, epoxy